Welcome to my online store!
To purchase, please call me at 256.435.4105 (h)
or email me at hesserlouckspottery@gmail.com or hesserloucks@bellsouth.net
I appreciate your taking an interest in my work!
I like talking with clay or pottery enthusiasts and those interested in my artwork. Don’t hesitate to call me, but if we don't answer, please leave a message with your phone number and a good time to return your call, as I'm probably down at the studio having fun in my playground. Lynnette will email you a Squareup.com invoice for payment. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to email me at hesserlouckspottery@gmail.com.
My work is dominantly constructed using wheel-thrown sections that are altered, embellished, and assembled. I decorate the pieces with multiple glazes, often layering them, to be fired to cone 6 in an electric kiln or to cone 10 in my gas reduction kiln. My pottery glazes are all food safe and safe to use in a microwave and dishwasher. The insides of mugs, teapots, pitchers, etc., are glazed with a glossy glaze for easy cleaning. The outside glazes may be either matte or glossy.
My work plays upon traditional pottery forms that transcends function while embracing it. Divided between utilitarian pottery and glorified functional vessels, both intentions share similar sensibilities and handling of the clay. Ideas and information from one intention feed the other. My utilitarian pottery is elegantly or whimsically designed to perform with ease and delight. To fully understand my utilitarian pottery, it must be used to experience the feel of the handle, the sound of the tea as it pours out of the spout, grasping the knob on a jar lid, or the way my bowls displays its contents. I want my work to transform the everyday experience of using a functional piece of pottery into a special occasion. My glorified vessels are based upon functional pottery vessels that abandon utilitarian concerns for a more sculptural approach on form, surface embellishment, and presentation. Each piece is made with a high level of craftsmanship and designed to portray a particular characteristic, gesture, mood, or feeling through a particular alteration and embellishment and then enhanced with a wide variety of glazes, glaze applications, and firing methods. I hope my artwork is well-received, engages, and brings enjoyment to all.

#1: Brown Combo Jar
Jars are attached to the base.
7.25” x 9” x 5”
cone 6 electric


#2: Tall Spiral Oval Bottom Pitcher
Two views; sides are different colors.
20” x 8.5” x 5.5”
cone 10 reduction



#3: Elevated Serving Dish
Three views, sides are different colors
8” x 22” x 6.5”
cone 10 reduction




#11-14: Orange Swirl Pedestal Tumblers with Ash Drips, 8” x 3”, cone 10 reduction, $60.
Each side has a different color variation but a similar look.




#15-21: Fluted Pedestal Tumblers with Ash Drips, 8” x 3”, cone 10 reduction, $60.
Each side has a different color variation but a similar look

#25: Green Round Teapot on a Base
12.5” x 8” x 6”
cone 6 electric
#27: Bluish and Opal Teapot on a Base
12” x 9” x 5.5”
cone 6 electric SOLD



#28: Pedestal Bowl with Thrown Rim
6.5” x 11.5” x 11.5”
cone 10 in reduction


#29: Pedestal Bowl with Thrown Rim and Double Ash Drips
4.5” x 10.5”
cone 10 in reduction


#30: Pedestal Bowl with Thrown Rim and Single Ash Drips
6.5” x 11.5” x 11.5”
cone 10 in reduction

#34: Creamy Tan and Black
Mug with Multiple Drips
4”h x 3.5”d
cone 6 electric

#37: Creamy Tan and
Black Mug
4.5”h x 3.5”d
cone 6 electric

#39: Cream, Light Greenish,
and Black Mug
4”h x 3.5”d
cone 6 electric

#40: Creamy and
Black Mug
4.5”h x 3.5”d
cone 6 electric

#41: Cream, Light Bluish
to Purple, and Black Mug
4”h x 3.5”d
cone 6 electric

#43: Brown and Black
with a Touch of White
4.5”h x 3.5”d
cone 6 electric

#44: Blueish and
Black Mug
4”h x 3.5”d
cone 6 electric
To purchase, please call me at 256.435.4105 (h) or email me at hesserlouckspottery@gmail.com or hesserloucks@bellsouth.net.
Free shipping is my gift to you for all US addresses.
I appreciate your taking an interest in my work!